Required Loan Documents

When you take out a loan, you'll need to complete several steps in order for the loan to be disbursed. These include entrance counseling, promissory note, loan reference forms, and signing loan documents.

Direct Loan and Campus-based Entrance Counseling

All student loan borrowers are required to complete entrance counseling for their loans before we can disburse the funds.

These links will take you to the appropriate entrance counseling. You should have instructions in your myWWU to-do list which tells you which entrance counseling(s) you need to complete. If in doubt, contact the Student Loan Office to see which you need.

Loan Reference Form

For both Direct and Campus-based loans, you'll need to complete the Loan Reference Form. This will also show up on your myWWU to-do list. Make sure you list three references at different addresses. 

Direct Loan Master Promissory Note

All Direct Loan borrowers are required to complete a Master Promissory Note through the Federal Direct Loan Program. This is done at the same website you will complete your Direct loan entrance counseling.

Access to sign your Direct Loan Master Promissory Note electronically.  You will need your FSA ID to log in.  If you do not have an FSA ID or do not remember it, please visit

Once you log in, click Complete Master Promissory Note on the home page. Then select the type of loan you would like to receive and make sure you specify Walla Walla University as your school. 

If you need help logging in or completing your promissory note, you can call at 1 (800) 557-7394. 

If you have any questions about this process, feel free to contact us.

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